Be a Dragon – Fire Up Your Email with Automation

Be a Dragon – Fire Up Your Email with Automation

For many companies, marketing objectives can be a lot bigger than available marketing resources. Marketers dream big, but they often lack the ability to act big. This can be especially true for small businesses and startups looking to keep up with the big players in their industries.

Enter Marketing Automation – one of the best tools for leveling the playing field for businesses of all sizes. The right email automation strategies can help almost any business to overcome budget and staff restraints, allowing them to better connect with consumers, despite functioning on a smaller scale.

And there’s no one better to teach you how to use automation to think and act big than iContact’s Hank Hoffmeier; he has helped hundreds of organizations to “Be a Dragon” in their own industries. Hank will outline how to implement automation into your marketing campaigns and discuss the impact that automation can have on the bottom line.

You will learn how to:

  • Easily use automation to strengthen relationships with customers and prospects
  • Set up a series of automated tasks — called a workflow — based on your stated criteria
  • Continually tweak campaigns to capture your audience
  • Leverage automation as a powerful revenue-generating foundation

Be a Dragon.

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