The Ultimate Email Design Lookbook

It’s a universal truth: Both good and bad email design is remembered, but for entirely different reasons.

And since nearly 3 billion people will be using email to communicate by 2020, you (and your business) can’t afford to be ignored because of poor design choices.

Email design Lookbook

What's in the guide?

We’ve written content calendars to help with your campaign planning, a Subject Line Guide to get your emails noticed, and now we’ve decided to show you the kinds of emails that stand out in the inbox.

We pored over thousands and thousands of emails, hand picking each featured design so that there could be some inspiration here for everyone—SMB, entrepreneurs, B2B, B2C—and so that ultimately, even better emails might happen as a result.

Lookbook samples


Broken up into nine different categories, the selected emails feature various strategies and explore the beneficial effects of each component.


Find out how specific design choices communicate depending on the industry and use that insight to your advantage. After all, competition breeds excellence.


Various use case emails are included throughout that are easy to duplicate with our Drag and Drop Editor, or our Design Team if you want further customization.

Forget everything you thought you knew about email design.

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